
Digital Product Passport – Highlights from CIRPASS first public event

The CIRPASS first public event “Shaping the future of the Digital Product Passport” took place on 13 December 2022 with the aim to bring together European industries, policymakers, R&D centres, standardisation organisations, circular economy and sustainability consultancies, and digital solution providers to discuss the future development of the Digital Product Passport (DPP). The virtual event was followed live by almost 900 participants and had an interactive participation with more than 530 comments posted on the chat.  

During two dynamic hours, the event was hosted by Diem Tran from DIGITALEUROPE who, apart from conducting the event, also spoke about the stakeholders’ engagement activities and the ways to join the project’s activities.

The initial keynote speech was delivered by Ilias Iakovidis, Adviser for Societal Challenges & Green and Digital Transitions, DG CNECT and member of the European Commission, who shared some insights about the importance of the Digital Product Passport.

The overall NorthStar of DPP is addressing the sustainability of a product in a way it can increase its circularity. The overall narrative is addressing individual citizen consumer needs and social needs with less materials, with less natural resources.

Ilias Iakovidis


Ilias Iakovidis – European Commission

After the initial keynote speech, Carolynn Bernier, Cirpass’ Coordinator from CEA took the stage to explain in detail the project’s goals, talking about the CIRPASS’ impact on the future of the Digital Product Passport.

Carolynn Bernier – Project Coordinator

Two interactive panel discussions, moderated by Vincenzo Renda from DIGITALEUROPE took place with speakers from the European Commission and the project consortium members who are leading different work streams and sectors.  

The discussions focused on the development of the Digital Product Passport (DPP), challenges and opportunities, the role of CIRPASS as well as the DPP prototypes for three key sectors electronics, batteries and textiles. The panels were followed by Q&A sessions with many relevant questions from the participants.

The first panel “Shaping the future of the Digital Product Passport” was composed by Michele Galatola – Policy Officer, DG GROW, European Commission; Holger Berg – Vice Director Circular Economy, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy; Marcello Colledani – Professor, Politecnico di Milano, and Marvin Boell – Project Manager, VDE. 

Panel 1: Michele Galatola; Marvin Boell; Holger Berg; Marcello Colledani; Vincenzo Renda 

And the second panel “DPP prototypes in 3 sectors: Electronics, Batteries and Textiles” was composed by William Neale – Adviser on Circular Economy and Green Growth, DG ENV, European Commission; Eduard Wagner – Project Manager, Fraunhofer IZM Berlin; Andreas Schneider – CEO, Global Textile Scheme, and Ilka von Dalwigk – EBA Policy Manager, EIT Inno Energy. 

 Panel 2: Vincenzo Renda; William Neale; Andreas Schneider; Eduard Wagner; Ilka von Dalwigk 

A highlight of the event was the active engagement of the attendees during the event, showing great interest in the DPPs and the project. A list of frequently asked questions will be published later on the CIRPASS website based on these discussions.   

The recording of the event is available on CIRPASS’ YouTube channel

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