The CIRPASS consortium partners gathered on January 30 and 31st in the city of Wuppertal, Germany, at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. The two-day meeting had the objective of discussing the progress achieved since the last meeting in October 2023, as well as to define the final steps and work needed to deliver the project to its finish.
The first day started with Michele Galatoa, Policy Officer of the European Commission, detailing the state of play of the DPP, the possible next steps, and answering some of the partners’ questions. The DPP is an important deliverable in the Commission’s strategy to digitalise a green and digital economy. Its objective is to simplify digital access to relevant product-specific information in the areas of sustainability, circularity, and legal compliance. Michele also listed other product groups that the Commission already pre-identified as priorities for the ESPR working plan, such as iron and steel, textiles, furniture, detergents, and energy-related products.

The upcoming discussions of day one circulated around the targeted actions to reach underrepresented stakeholder groups and the review and development of the reports on the DPP information architecture. There was also some time to do some focus working groups. On the second day, some of the discussion between partners was about the projects’ DPP roadmaps for the three industries CIRPASS is focused on: batteries, electronics, and textiles.
The two days were filled with expectations for the last months of the project and the preparation for the Final Event of CIRPASS, which will happen on March 5, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium.
The upcoming hybrid event – for invitees and open to the public in online form – will demonstrate the current situation of the DPP and explore possible future developments. It will also count with the participation of two other projects: Project Information 4.0 and BatteryPass.
More information about the event will come out soon. Stay tuned.