“CIRPASS – Shaping the future of the Digital Product Passport”, will bring together European industries, policymakers, R&D centres, standardisation organisations, circular economy and sustainability consultancies, digital solution providers and more, to discuss the future development of the Digital Product Passport (DPP).
Register now: https://tinyurl.com/34t393zm

🎤 The online live event takes place on Tuesday, 13 December between 10h30-12h30 CET, and will count with representatives of the CIRPASS – Digital Product Passport consortium to present to the public the project’s objectives and planned stakeholder engagement activities, as well as host an interactive panel discussion followed by Q&As.
CIRPASS is an EU-funded project that brings together 30 experienced partners to prepare the ground for the gradual piloting and deployment of DPPs from 2023 onwards, focusing on developing a roadmap for prototypes in three value chains: electronics, batteries and textiles.
Event’s Agenda (CET):
10:30 – Welcome
10:33 – Keynote speech by Ilias Iakovidis – Adviser for Societal Challenges & Green and Digital Transitions, DG CNECT, European Commission
10:40 – Introduction to CIRPASS by Carolynn Bernier, Project Coordinator, CEA
11:00 – Panel 1: Shaping the future of the Digital Product Passport
- Michele Galatola, Policy Officer, DG GROW, European Commission
- Carolynn Bernier, Project Coordinator, CEA
- Eduard Wagner, Project Manager, Fraunhofer IZM Berlin
- Marcello Colledani, Professor, Politecnico di Milano
- Marvin Boell, Project Manager, VDE
11:40 – Live polls + short break
11:50 – Panel 2: DPP prototypes in 3 sectors: Electronics, Batteries and Textiles
- ️William Neale, Adviser on Circular Economy and Green Growth, DG ENV, European Commission
- Eduard Wagner, Project Manager, Fraunhofer IZM Berlin
- Andreas Schneider, CEO, Global Textile Scheme
- Ilka von Dalwigk, EBA Policy Manager, EIT Inno Energy
12:15 – CIRPASS Stakeholder Engagement – How you can join by️ Diem Tran, Project Communications Manager, DIGITALEUROPE
12:25 – Closing remarks by Carolynn Bernier, Project Coordinator, CEA